Monday, July 20, 2015

Writing 310 Response

Chapter 7 - Crafting Messages for Electronic Media was an interesting read since I'm personally often a little out of the loop when it comes to social media. It has been difficult for me to utilize different social media platforms which could've been extremely helpful while I've had certain internships to spread my personal content to more people.

I also found it interesting to read how email is dying out - I knew this before but not to what extent or what would replace it - and how everything is slowly becoming all about instant messaging.

Unfortunately, I'm not very tech savvy, so I appreciated this read since it's not something I myself would pick up and read unless it was assigned to me.

Chapter 8 - Writing Routine and Positive Messages had content that felt very much like common sense, although misunderstandings are very common in electronic messages. Especially companies that have to be extremely professional and accurate and, not to mention, careful with how they craft messages.

Even though this article feels more targeted to people in businesses, it's a good reminder to always consider how your messages (professionally in particular) comes across. I often rush through writing emails or messages since I'm used to writing a lot of professional ones.

However, I do find myself being a little sloppy sometimes so this read was a great reminder of how to craft a positive, professional, and to the point message.

The theme throughout the three texts is really about audience and how to adapt the words and style to the reader. In Understanding Rhetoric part 3, I found it interesting how we all wear different hats (in the comic, quite literally) in order to gain credibility and/or respect from a specific audience/s.

I know that I myself do that a lot. I obviously wouldn't dress the same way for an interview that I would going to a music festival. It doesn't mean I'm a different person because of the contrast of the way I sometimes dress, but I know an interviewer would approach me in a completely different way if I wore what I would wear to the music festival.

I thought it was interesting to read about the different meanings behind dressing a certain way, like how black clothing is often used as an "armor," and for the teacher who had to put on the knight's armor, could be convinced that her profession could be considered heroic. 


  1. I understand your response to chapter 7 100%. I want to "Want" to care about social media. The truth is, I dont care. Like yourself, I am a bit out the loop. I am being open minded and getting more "Connected" with them , but still not my preference. I am also not tech savy. I am glad to know someone else in my class is not a tech wizard.
    Yes, chapter 8 was basic in many aspects, but again like yourself, I benefited on points. I have recently tried to focus on the quality of my emails.. its easy for us all to get sloppy at times.

  2. I was also surprised about how email is dying out, as you I had heard it before but I never thought it would be to that extent. I’m not sure how I feel about instant messaging; to me it does not seem so professional. I think that instant messaging can cause a lot of misunderstanding within a company. I also think that it will be sloppier and people won’t care as much about what they are sending because all they think about is how fast they can communicate.
