Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Academic Writing 310 Response

The "Everything's an argument" article was very thought provoking since I personally never really think about the fact that everything, more or less, actually is an argument. One of the most interesting mentions in the article was the one about what you eat, do, support, or even a hobby etc., are in themselves arguments. They're statements that affect the people around you in a greater or lesser scale and thinking about this makes it easier for me personally to be more careful about what I say, do or voicing particular statements.

I think it's important to have well-thought out things to say - I respect people who do - and it's something I'm trying to get better at since I know I have a tendency to blurt out whatever comes to mind if I'm passionate about it. This article helped me remember how actions and words are stronger than you might think.

I think the two comics were relevant to the longer article as well. I particularly liked the "Ethos (ethics), Pathos (empathy), Logos (logic)" concept. If I'm really passionate about a subject, I can be very convincing (pathos), although I definitely need to work on the other two sometimes when I just want people to accept what I know (from articles or books or films) and instead take the time to explain why and how I think I know what I know in order to logically convey my message and get credibility.

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